Resilience and Love from Two Fathers
Same-sex couple Wei Wei and Miao Miao can now proudly say they are a family of three. The Kaohsiung couple is the first same-sex couple in Asia to have adopted a child that is not a blood relative.

Wei Wei and Miao Miao have known each other since university and have been in a long-distance relationship for almost twenty years. They had always dreamed of having children and raising a family together.
In 2016, Wei Wei and Miao Miao applied for adoption at the Child Welfare League Foundation(兒福聯盟). In 2019, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to pass same-sex marriage. However, it did not allow same-sex couples to adopt at that time. Since Wei Wei and Miao Miao were in a spousal relationship, only one could legally register Rou Rou as their adopted daughter.
In 2020, Miao Miao and Wei Wei sought assistance and advocacy from Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association(台灣同志諮詢熱線協會), Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy(台灣同志家庭權益促進會), and Taiwan Equality Campaign(台灣彩虹平權大平台協會)to have the laws rectified. Finally, in early 2022, Taiwan Kaohsiung Juvenile and Family Court(臺灣高雄少年及家事法院)approved Miao Miao's adoption application, officially making him Rou Rou's legal father.

Miao Miao said, "When I got parental rights, I distributed Han Pastries in the school where I taught. I had colleagues from different departments calling to congratulate me. The warmth and support I received from family and friends in Kaohsiung made us feel greater acceptance towards same-sex families."
Miao Miao and Wei Wei enjoy participating in family activities with their daughter. They go to indoor parent-child play centers and enjoy swimming at sports centers. They also enjoy participating in events at the Love River Bay and strolling along Caogong Canal (曹公圳). Sometimes they go to Cijin Island, where they enjoy the scenery and spend time on the beach.
"I believe the nature of our family is the bond that ties us together. We always put our family first; our home is where we find companionship," says Wei Wei. Wei Wei and Miao Miao's family transcends blood relations with love. They have created a home and are now raising a family.

FB: Dad Wei and Dad Miao's daily family life
FB: 圍爸喵爸的親子日常
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