The Unprecedented 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung
After two decades, Kaohsiung is again hosting Taiwan's Lantern Festival and is certainly the largest to date. This year, the lanterns are on exhibition at Love River Bay and Weiwuying. The festival features advanced lighting and technological wonder.

Lantern Festival Highlights
Taiwan's 2022 Lantern Festival utilizes 5G Smart Technology to present a digital lighting extravaganza and provide visitors with an extraordinary experience that has never been seen before at Taiwan's lantern festivals.
The Love River Bay Lantern Zone features advanced LED lighting technology that transforms the Love River into a feature lantern. The "luminous environment" transforms the waterfront into a beautiful light aesthetic, with Jianguo Bridge, Cisian Bridge, and Light Rail Bridge along the Love River to the Kaohsiung Music Center lit up with multiple lantern exhibits. The bridges and waterfront feature 12,000 LED lights and 128,000 lighting configurations, which bring to life a 7-kilometer charming and romantic light show, designed to appear as an infinite flowing galaxy.

The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) features more than 130 art installations and 75 illuminated presentations based on a land art concept and integrates colorful bright and dark lights, illuminating the entire surrounding park. "Fantasy Lake" employs a multilayered light show, which creates the appearance of a forest reflection on the lake. The lighting makes visitors feel they are in a time tunnel with seasonal changes that happen before their eyes. Australian artist James Tapscott created the "Arc Zero Eclipse: Lunar Eclipse" for the "Arc Zero" series, using water reflection to create a symmetrical ring of mist that appears to glow like fire. The symbolic eclipse hovers in the air, illustrating the harmonious coexistence between nature and humans. The lanterns and artistic installations will remain at Weiwuying, even after the lantern festival has officially ended.

The city government also invited famous movie and television art directors, Syu Ying-guang, Cai Pei-ling, Ke Cing-mei, and Liao Yin-ciao, to tell stories and integrate Weiwuying Metropolitan Park's lights with the forest shadows. Visitors feel they are stepping into a fantasy world, which combines four different film styles and narratives.
Kaohsiung's dazzling 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival presents incredible light arts in various forms. Deputy Mayor Shih Jhe feels it embodies the city's cultural vision and imagination, enriches spirits, and accumulates cultural possessions.
2022台灣燈會在高雄 打造「新燈會」饗宴
走進愛河灣展區,利用最先進的LED 燈光技術及燈控系統,讓蜿蜒愛河化身一座主燈!本次燈會以「光環境」概念設計夜間水岸光景,從愛河沿岸的建國橋、七賢橋、輕軌橋至高雄流行音樂中心,橋梁與周邊水岸裝置12,000盞LED燈及128,000個控制點,煥發五彩光芒,全長7公里的沉浸式光展演,彷彿是一條不斷流動的輝燦銀河,為高雄的夜色增添旖旎的浪漫氛圍。
衛武營國家藝術文化中心則是以地景藝術的概念策展,展區規劃超過130件作品及75組精彩節目,配合公園地貌設計出交錯多彩的明暗光線,公園裡森林、大樹、湖水、小丘等多樣地貌,成為藝術的一部分。其中,「湖映森光」藝術家利用多層次光投射,展現森林鏡射湖面的水上倒影,輝映的燈光暈染下,彷彿展現了四季變換。而作品「Arc Zero Eclipse 弧 零:月食」由澳洲籍藝術家James Tapscott創作「Arc Zero」系列,作品利用水中倒影,創造一個完整對稱的圓圈懸停在空中,在夜間像火一樣發光,象徵人與人、人與自然的和諧、共存,作品在燈會結束後,也將長久設置於高雄。