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Let's Go Visit Shoushan Zoo!

 Kaohsiung City Shoushan Zoo, which has been improving the living environment for its animal residents since May 2021, reopened to the public in December 2022 and gave its much-missed visitors an adorable welcome.

Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)
Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)

 Animal lovers are able to stroll leisurely on a newly constructed skywalk from which they can look over the animals in the enclosures. It is noteworthy that this animal-friendly reconstruction has taken animal viewing into account. As the skywalk approaches the enclosures, the stainless steel fence gradually becomes higher, so as to reduce visitors' disturbance of the animals. In addition, floor-to-ceiling glass windows are set at intervals so that children can view animals up close.

Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)
Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)

 The most recent renovation has focused on improving the animals' enclosures. Their living environments are now better ventilated and drier, giving the animals a greater level of comfort. The three resident chimpanzees, Li-jhong, Mei-jhen, and Man-hua are able to roam freely around their new home, which incorporates dead trees, flowing waterfalls, and a rockery. Furthermore, the open observation corridors allow visitors to make “eye-to-eye” contact with animals.

Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo
Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo

 The fact that animals from different ecosystems live together is more in accordance with nature. According to the zoo, animal behavior can be enhanced by living with other animals, and the expanded space allows animals to move around freely.

 The zoo's original water plaza has also been transformed into a water park for children, enabling children of all ages to leave with happy and lasting memories of the zoo.

Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)
Photo courtesy of Shoushan Zoo (Photo by Lin Yun-shuang)

 Particularly popular with tourists is the Kaohsiung Light Rail's “Animal Star” painted train. Zoo stars, such as the family of llamas, the orangutan Mimi, and the Taiwanese black bear Pobi, have been transformed into vivid and adorable patterns by illustrator Croter, who was commissioned to paint the train. 

 According to Shoushan Zoo, there are limited car-parking spaces around the zoo. If you want to take Kaohsiung Light Rail's “Animal Star,” first look for train number KLRT-16 using the ibus Kaohsiung Bus Dynamic Inquiry System app. Get off at the Light Rail's C16 Wenwu Temple stop and transfer to bus 56 to complete your journey to the zoo. Kaohsiung Zoo 2.0 is waiting for you to visit your long-lost animal friends!


• Shoushan Zoo 壽山動物園

No. 350, Wanshou Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City


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• 壽山動物園



FB:Shou Shan Zoo 壽山動物園

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