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Neiwei Arts Center

 Kaohsiung City's newest cultural landmark, Neiwei Arts Center, is designed to reflect the shape of Chaishan (also known as Monkey Mountain). Located between Makadao Road (west of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts) and the Children's Museum of Art, the white belt-shaped lightweight building structure blends seamlessly into the surrounding landscape.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

 The gate of the arts center faces the bustling Neiwei Traditional Market, making it convenient for locals to incorporate the multifunctional arts center into their daily routines. Its hours of operation are from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; therefore, people can drop by the arts center after grocery shopping or exercise routines.

Photo courtesy of Neiwei Arts Center
Photo courtesy of Neiwei Arts Center

 The Neiwei Arts Center is operated in conjunction with Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of History, and Kaohsiung Film Archive. The partnership showcases these cultural institutions' capability of spatial planning, curating, and collections management. The arts center boasts the first open art restoration center, which was established in partnership with Cheng Shiu University Conservation Center. Professional restorers work at the center, incorporating art restoration into an exhibition.

Photo by Huang Jing-wun
Photo by Huang Jing-wun

 The center offers public lectures and guided tours of the restored relics. Therefore, the arts center also functions as a forum for exchanging artistic concepts and information about preserving antique collections. People can also make appointments to meet with professional restorers at the center, who will inspect their damaged antiques, explain the restoration process, and recommend places where it could be done.

Photo courtesy of Neiwei Arts Center
Photo courtesy of Neiwei Arts Center

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

 Other attractions include modern art exhibits, including Thai-Indian artist Navin Rawanchaikul's "Neiwei Rama," a thought-provoking work that explores cross-generational issues of identity in Taiwan and Thailand and a cinema with comfy seats and state-of-the-art audio-visual technology. Film exhibits include children's cartoons, classics, and documentaries. 

 Come and enjoy this new multifunctional arts center that has something for everyone.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

• Neiwei Arts Center 內惟藝術中心

No. 329, Makadao Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City

內惟藝術中心 帶著文物看醫生





  藝術中心展覽出現代藝術的藝術作品,其中《內惟戲院》系列,邀請泰國印度裔藝術家阿運.若望恰庫(Navin Rawanchaikul)以這件作品探討臺灣及泰國兩地的社群世代身份認同議題。



• 內惟藝術中心


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