茂林の山林で 多納村の文化に触れる
2024/02 No.29

茂林の山林で 多納村の文化に触れる


Indulge in Coffee and Delectable Desserts
2023/12 No.28

Indulge in Coffee and Delectable Desserts

Take a delightful journey on the Kaohsiung Light Rail to dis...

Enjoy a Romantic Dinner Date with Stunning Views of the City!
2023/12 No.28

Enjoy a Romantic Dinner Date with Stunning Views of the City!

Take the Kaohsiung Light Rail and embark on an intoxicating ...

Evening Exercise to Relax Mind and Body
2023/12 No.28

Evening Exercise to Relax Mind and Body

More and more people are exercising after dark to relieve st...

Explore Kaohsiung\'s Nighttime Charm
2023/12 No.28

Explore Kaohsiung's Nighttime Charm

After nightfall, the port city of Kaohsiung transforms into ...

深夜のカフェで やすらぎのスイーツを
2023/12 No.28

深夜のカフェで やすらぎのスイーツを


高層階から夜景をのぞむ おすすめバー
2023/12 No.28

高層階から夜景をのぞむ おすすめバー

高層階のおしゃれなレストランでおいしいカクテルと夜景に酔いしれる、ロマンティックな空中ディナーはいかが? 本記事では、高...

2023/12 No.28



2023/12 No.28



Taiwan\'s Father of Sailing: Jhan Jheng-fong
2023/10 No.27

Taiwan's Father of Sailing: Jhan Jheng-fong

 Jhan Jheng-fong(詹正峰), the 83-year-old executive director of...

Setting Sail with Self-made Sampans
2023/10 No.27

Setting Sail with Self-made Sampans

Siwan Wooden Boat(西灣海洋), which promotes boat-building experi...

青い海へ帆を掲げ 「台湾ヨット界の父」詹正峰さんの軌跡
2023/10 No.27

青い海へ帆を掲げ 「台湾ヨット界の父」詹正峰さんの軌跡
