Explore Mount Shou\'s Limestone Caves
2022/04 No.18

Explore Mount Shou's Limestone Caves

Rugged coral-reef limestone terrain is a major feature of Ka...

An Unexpected Encounter: Jiasian Bookstore Owner You Yong-fu and British Photographer John Thomson
2022/04 No.18

An Unexpected Encounter: Jiasian Bookstore Owner You Yong-fu and British Photographer John Thomson

Who was the first person to photograph the mountainous areas...

Explore Shanping Forest Ecological Garden
2022/04 No.18

Explore Shanping Forest Ecological Garden

Shanping Forest Ecological Garden reopened on New Year's Da...

寿山鍾乳洞 わくわく探検
2022/04 No.18

寿山鍾乳洞 わくわく探検


甲仙書店 游永福とイギリスの写真家ジョン・トムソンの出会い
2022/04 No.18

甲仙書店 游永福とイギリスの写真家ジョン・トムソンの出会い

高雄の山地を初めて撮影したのは誰だろうか。答えはスコットランドの写真家、ジョン・トムソン(John Thomson)だ。...

Follow the Southern Cross-Island Highway into a Sea of Clouds
2022/10 No.21

Follow the Southern Cross-Island Highway into a Sea of Clouds

The Southern Cross-Island Highway, also known as the Nanheng...

2022/10 No.21



Enjoy a Cycling Tour around Agongdian Reservoir
2022/08 No.20

Enjoy a Cycling Tour around Agongdian Reservoir

Located at the convergence of Kaohsiung's Gangshan, Yanchao...

Night Riding in Kaohsiung is All the Rage
2022/08 No.20

Night Riding in Kaohsiung is All the Rage

It has become increasingly popular to cycle the city after s...

Shoushan Hiking Trails Night Tour
2022/08 No.20

Shoushan Hiking Trails Night Tour

As the scorching hot sun sets, and the curtain of night fall...

2022/08 No.20



2022/08 No.20

