Love Kaohsiung Bimonthly
Love Kaohsiung 愛.高雄 No.33

100 Years of the Good City: The Centennial of Kaohsiung's City Status
In 1920,Takao was renamed Kaohsiung, and in 1924, what had ...

Dream Fulfillment New Voice Choir
The Dream Fulfillment New Voice Choir(圓夢新聲合唱團)from Kaohsiun...

Experience an Urban Oasis: The Newly Renovated Niaosong Wetland Park and Chengcing Lake
Niaosong Wetland Park(鳥松濕地公園)and Chengcing Lake Scenic Area...

Take the Metro to Gangshan for a Culinary Journey
Gangshan Station (RK1) on the Kaohsiung Metro’s Red Line is...

ALIEN Art Centre Exemplifies Green Low-Carbon Aesthetics
Located near the Port of Kaohsiung, at the foot of Mount Sh...

高雄市政100周年 「百年好市」探訪イベント

「円夢新声合唱団」 東南アジアの旋律

MRTで行く 「岡山グルメ」の旅

金馬賓館現代美術館で叶う エコでグリーンな芸術体験