Love Kaohsiung Bimonthly
Love Kaohsiung 愛.高雄 No.27

Taiwan's Father of Sailing: Jhan Jheng-fong
Jhan Jheng-fong(詹正峰), the 83-year-old executive director of...

Setting Sail with Self-made Sampans
Siwan Wooden Boat(西灣海洋), which promotes boat-building experi...

The Da Shih Ye Ceremony: A Century-old Tradition at Siaogang Longhu Temple
As times have changed, many customs associated with the Hun...

Indulge in Delicious Seafood Delights in Kaohsiung
Autumn is here, and it's the perfect season for crab lovers...

Kezailiao Harbor: A Paradise for Seafood Connoisseurs
Kezailiao(蚵仔寮)is in Kaohsiung's Zihguan District(梓官區). Keza...

青い海へ帆を掲げ 「台湾ヨット界の父」詹正峰さんの軌跡

蚵仔寮 百年の歴史を誇る漁港

生活に彩りを添える 異国料理の饗宴

百年の伝統 小港龍湖廟の「大士爺祭」